2025 District 1 Board Candidate Biographies

A Candidates Night will be held on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. For more information regarding this forum, please see below the biographies.

Below are the 2025 District 1 Board candidates.  The Nominating Committee has selected the following: Joyce Barishman, Pamela Hiler, and Bruce Holden.  The following have petitioned to be included on the 2025 ballot:  Michael Faught and Edward Le Blanc.

**Biographies are listed alphabetically by last name and published as presented by the Candidates**

Joyce Barishman **Brought forth by the Nominating Committee**

My goal is to make Valley Electric a great environment for the coop members, the board members employees of Valley Electric. My education has been from working all of my adult life. My education has been learned with work experience and with good teachers in electronics. I enjoy working with employees and customers. I was able to raise my daughter as a single parent.  I have always been able to make my own way and was able to buy my own house in Orange County, California.  I married in 2018 and my husband and I built a new home in Cottonwoods. I am the Sales Manager of Mobile Relay Associates, working there for thirty years and have been involved in Land Mobile Radio for thirty-six years.


Michael Faught **Petitioned**

I am here seeking your vote for the Valley Electric Board of Directors District 1 South Pahrump…

My wife and I moved to our community from Oregon in 2022 for the warm weather and the great outdoor opportunities (golf and off Road Jeeping). Now that I am a part of the Community, I want to volunteer my time and expertise to my new community.

As a Public Works Director, I managed multiple public utilities (water, sewer, transportation and stormwater). Those duties included:
• long range facility planning
• developed utility rates that met the communities supported capital projects.

I was especially good at getting community input through:
• interactive committees,
• all local news outlets
• and neighborhood meeting

In addition, I:
• Chaired the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Board of Directors,
• Served on the Oregon Water Resource Commission.
• served as president for the Stayton and Ashland Rotary Clubs,
• owned a consulting business after retirement where I help communities secure infrastructure grants.

We are lucky to have an Electric Co-Op as opposed to a private utility, this type of utility is non-profit and represented by members of the community. This allows us (our community) to plan for future electric needs that ensures a redundant, reliable, and reasonably priced utility.

I believe I can be a good addition to the Valley Electric Board of Directors and hope you will give me a chance to be an active community board member.


Pamela Hiler **Brought forth by the Nominating Committee**

With experience in finance, management, and community service, I believe I can bring fresh perspectives and thoughtful, strategic input to the board. My goal would be to advocate for innovative solutions and initiatives that not only support our current needs but also plan for a sustainable, energy-efficient future.
I have earned a Baccalaureate degree in Communication Arts with concentrations in Education, Masters degree in Educational Administration and a Post Baccalaureate degree in Communication Disorders.
In my experience as a Nye County School Board Trustee, President of the Nye County Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, VFW Auxiliary member, and a teacher, I have developed a strong understanding of what it takes to serve the community effectively. I was entrusted with ensuring that policies and decisions aligned with the needs of students, staff, and the community. These roles taught me the importance of transparency, collaboration, and responsible decision-making. As the Vice President and President of the Nye County Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, my role involved leading the committee’s efforts to enhance local parks, recreational facilities, and programs within the county. In my role as a VFW Auxiliary member, I support veterans, their families, and our community through various volunteer efforts and programs. As a teacher, I gained firsthand experience in understanding the needs of individuals and groups and balancing multiple priorities.


Bruce Holden **Brought forth by the Nominating Committee**

I have served as your Valley Electric Association (VEA) District 1 Director since the forming of this new district in June of 2022. My background is as a retired environmental engineer with the Department of the Navy. I have a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and master’s degrees in both environmental engineering as well as business administration. During my service at VEA, I have pursued two main goals: (1) To increase transparency and (2) To improve the financial position of our Co-op. As to the first, I must admit that my efforts have not been completely successful. It is my opinion that except for our competitive internet/phone/solar businesses, the membership should be able to learn almost anything else about our Co-op. Since I am only one of seven directors, I can only emphasize areas that need improvement. If I am re-elected, I will continue this effort. As to VEA’s financial condition, I can report that we have made substantial improvements. Shortly after I joined the board, we attempted to obtain a loan to finance the purchase of batteries to improve the operation of our electric grid. Our main bank partner turned us down because of our poor financial condition. Unfortunately, as a result, we had to raise our electricity rates. I am happy to report that our situation has greatly improved so that now we are in a position to complete the fiber internet project, the battery project. We also returned capital credits to the membership earlier this year.


Edward LeBlanc **Petitioned**

As a director, I am a person that does not follow the “Status Quo” I look for efficiency and reduce waste. I’m a people person that likes to meet people and get their thoughts.
My goals are to look at the present VEA system and see what can be done to make a better COOP. I hear allot of unhappy members here in the community.

I have years of experience in management. 30 years in the US Navy, advanced to the level of E-9, that is only achieved by 1% of the enlisted in the Navy. I was employed with General Atomics (GA) as a Project Manager responsible for budgets over millions of dollars. I was responsible to outfit the entire GA company with UID electronic system and software that was budgeted for one million. Completed under budget. I was responsible for the entire Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for the USAF MQ-9 aircraft. Again, had to meet tough government cutbacks to meet my goals to support the USAF needs.
I was a volunteer for the Sheriffs Auxiliary Unit (SAU) for 3 years. I’m presently Cottonwood’s HOA President. I own a home business for the last 44 years.
I graduated from Southern Illinois University with a BS degree in Aviation Management. San Diego State for contract management. Miramar City college for understudy courses. DAU defense classes.

I believe it would be a loss to the VEA to loose me as a director for District 1. “I’ve been there and done that’ for my entire adult life. I believe i would be a good fit for the board and a asset to VEA.