Who We Are

Valley Electric offers these easy ways to pay.

Valley Electric & the 7 Cooperative Principles

7 Cooperative Principles

All cooperatives adhere to the same set of 7 principles, no matter what type of cooperative they are. These standards guide us to operate for the greater good.


Valley Electric Association, Inc. is the parent of 3 wholly-owned subsidiary companies. VEA created each subsidiary to serve the membership by focusing on particular service niches. Structuring our businesses this way allows the cooperative to fulfill its core mission of providing reliable, affordable energy service to our member-consumers while branching out into new and diverse markets, creating additional revenue streams.

Valley Electric Association (VEA)

Established in 1965 as an electric cooperative, VEA provides service to more than 45,000 people within a vast 6,800 square-mile service area located along the Nevada-California border.

Valley Electric Transmission Association (VETA)

A wholly owned transmission subsidiary of Valley Electric Association, VETA provides transmission services as a participating transmission owner and transmission operator in the California ISO.

Valley Communication Association (VCA)

Established in 2015, VCA brings fiber-optic and wireless broadband to the underserved rural, remote communities in VEA’s service area. VCA’s long-term goal is to expand modern broadband to rural communities of Nevada.


SolPower by Valley Electric Association (VEA) is Valley’s own solar company serving all VEA members.

We are a full-service solar company specializing in the design, installation, finance, maintenance, and warranty of solar electric systems. Our systems are built to utility standards for our members. SolPower provides the same high-quality service and reliability that Valley Electric Association is known for.