Irrigation Application

Also Available: Irrigation Application (PDF)

For new (no pre-existing) irrigation electric service.

  1. The following documents and fees are required to initiate application for service.
    1. Proof of Ownership. A copy of ownership document for property on which service is to be located.
    2. County Approved Site Plan (Stamped by County Planning Dept., indicating location of meter base and address.
    3. Non-Refundable Engineering Fee – $600. All irrigation applications for service will have an initial non-refundable engineering fee of $600. Additional installation, impact, and applicable line extension fees will be determined after the site meet. Construction will not begin until all fees assessed after the site meet have been paid.
    4. Deposit (In addition to Installation Fee).
      Deposit: $51 multiplied by the Horsepower of the Irrigation pump ($51 HP)
      Credit Reference Letter from another electric utility indicating 12 months of good payment history will be accepted in lieu of deposit.
    5. Construction Application for Electric Service
      Print date, name(s) of person(s) listed on proof of ownership (deed, etc.), street address, city, and Assessors Parcel Number (APN) where indicated. Include service capacity (Amperage, Horsepower), and voltage requirements. Owner(s) grants and conveys to Valley Electric Association permission to provide access to install and maintain utility service facilities.
    6. Right-of-Way Easement Each prospective member will also be required to execute a Right-of-Way Easement for their property and may be required to secure Right-of-Way Easements from adjacent property owners upon whose land it may be necessary to locate power lines to serve Valley Electric Association members.
    7. Service Load Calculation Worksheet See Chapter 2, National Electrical Code (NEC).

Note: Applications mailed or dropped off at VEA ‘s office will be returned to the individual requesting the service if any forms are missing or they are not properlv filled in.

Note: Consumer shall acquire all necessary easements required to serve property.

Note: Consumer shall provide professionally surveyed property corner stakes.

Note: Consumer is responsible for meter base (underground service: trenching, conduit, and back-filling).

For information call:

Phone (775) 727-5312
Fax (775) 727-6320
(800) 742-3330 (from inside Nevada only)